A Portuguese Architect and Bagpiper in Benin, West Africa
I am currently in #Benin, West Africa, representing the World Music School Helsinki and soon in #Nigeria, representing Architectural Democracy.
Despite its beauty and joy, also immediately noticeable here is the urgent need for education, specially to young girls. This region has an explosive mix of population boom and lack of infrastructure. Migration towards the western countries will thus increase under these conditions, creating instability for both sides.
Squeezing some time from work, I just went to show some squeeze instruments to the local orphanage kids! :-) Thank you gaitamaker for the weather resistance bagpipe! :-)

ttps://www.facebook.com/pg/meilleurscoeurssolidaires http://www.meilleurscoeurssolidaires.org/ #orphanageafrica #bagpipesinafrica #cornemuseafrica #cornemusebenin#AMCS #orphenilatbenin #WMSHelsinki #WMSGrandPopo #PedroAibeo #Aibeo #bagpipe#gaitadefoles GaitaMaker.com #womenempowerement #populationboom #refugees #migration Villa Karo, the Finnish-African Cultural Centre #finceal #benin #portonovo #africa#aibeo