Architectural Democracy
The Direct Democracy Group is a group of citizens in Finland, inviting all to imagine and create software and hardware solutions, mental mappings and operational systems, social situations, cooperative platforms, appropriating existing platforms and software solutions, open source issues and voting, open data, fan-fiction, alternative stories, narratives, sound, art, and music in order to directly confront the problems through direct democracy.
Our current practical step is to implement a new customized e-voting software for city council members which will work across political parties.
Helsinki 4 – 7 April 2017
At Kone Foundation's: The Chamber
Tehtaankatu 21 B 45, 5th floor
4.4.2017 13:00 - 22:00
5.4.2017 08:00 - 12:00 BRAKE 18:00 - 22:00
6.4.2017 09:00 - 22:00
The results will be announced in Kauppakeskus Kamppi on the 7th of April at 17:00
There are many e-voting apps and strategies out there, yet none are perfect. Much work is still required in many fields, in technology we must optimize direct democractic system to work in every situation without negative connotations of technological alienation or security, this connects with social functions and commons in the need for combining technology and everyday interaction on a personal level, face to face, and to solve issues around technological decay, archiving and how to plan for the event that the technology fails after its use is widespread.
DDH 2017 Helsinki calls for participants to imagining and create software and hardware solutions, mental mappings and operational systems, social situations, cooperative platforms, appropriating existing platforms and software solutions, open source issues and voting, open data, fan-fiction, alternative stories, narratives, sound, art, and music (among others) in order to directly confront the problems around direct democracy in a wide range of ways.
The three day hackathon will bring together all parties interested in imagining all aspects of direct democracy. Individuals, groups, and institutions are asked to submit a 300 word abstract for online publication ASAP to Submissions can be added into the final publication until the 4th of April, all submissions will be included and should include name of participants and description of work or idea. The results of the hackathon will be publicly announced on the 7th of April in Kamppi, Helsinki. The text submission is not required for participation, only for publication.
Timo Tuhkanen and Pedro Aibeo will be hosting the event. Timo Tuhkanen is a queer composer, artist, doctoral candidate, and independent activist currently working with a wide range projects between music art and politics. Pedro Aibeo is running in the Helsinki municipal elections as an independent under the Left Allience’s ticket. His aim is to implement direct democracy in the City Council. The hackathon aims at creating an optimized voting system that he can use once he is on the Helsinki City Municipal Council. This situation provides a rare opportunity to create an optimized voting system with the potential of being implemented between other forms of democratic agency in the city of Helsinki.
#kamari #rohkeatekijä and Koneen Säätiö - Kone Foundation
The 2017 Municipal Elections in Helsinki are over but our goal is long term. We, a group of cultural activists and University researchers, do mostly investigation and civic activities. Our political participation in the latest election (under the candidate Pedro Aibéo) was meant to be a political Hack, to inform and stir the waters, rather than to compete. We had a good result in the elections, considering we started it 1,5 months ago and it was a English campaign only, in Finland.
During the campaign, we organized a Hackathon on Direct Democracy supported by the Kone Foundation. We published a white paper on the results of it and we now invite all to send comments.
The goal of it is to constantly improve the paper with the international community and release a new version every month.
Find here the latest paper version and send us back comments attached in the pdf to this email.
Contact us for questions or to join the team: