Architectural Democracy
17th – 24th October 2016
@ FAUP, Porto
#Architecture #Technology #DIY #Photogrammetry
P. Aibéo & Hugo Pires
Contact persons:
Architectural Democracy:
Learn how to make an interactive 3D model of a compartment, building or urban scene with your own photo camera. A hands-on workshop, with experts from Portugal and Finland.
We invite everyone to learn how to take photos and turn them into an interactive 3D model.
Requirements are the participation fee (75 € for regular inscription and 50 € for students and ICOMOS members), your own laptop with wi-fi connection and a photo camera. Participants should know how to use a computer and take photos!
This workshop is part of the international research on “Architectural Democracy” based at Aalto University. Our team believes we can use the buildings and rooms where we spend most of our lives, as sources of open source information to edit and share among citizens for community well-being. Not only is this a tool to create time machines to understand the history of our cities but to understand its economics, technicalities and social relationships, for a fairer society based on transparency.
The course is held in Portuguese but English is also available.
organized by
Please bring your own laptop and smartphone (or better, a photo camera). To save valuable time the participants should install software on their computer in advance.
- 123D Catch
- Visual SFM
- Meshlab
Useful links to meshlab:
MeshLab Basics: Selection, part one
MeshLab Basics: Selection, part two
MeshLab Basics: Lighting
Cleaning: Basic filters
MeshLab Basics: Scale to real measures
Poisson Reconstruction in Meshlab
Mesh Processing: Decimation
Useful links to 123D Catch:
123D Catch - Planning your shoot
Some basic principles on how to photograph to create a 3D model
Useful links to VisualSFM:
Tutorial on using VisualSFM and Meshlabs to create a 3d model from photos of a Lingerie model.
Useful links to Unity:
Unity Tutorial Basics - Create a Survival Game
Unity Tutorial: The Basics (For Beginners)
To import 3D models into Unity:
How to take photos of a room for Photogrammetry:
Most importantly you need to make a sequence, as if it would be a storyboard.
Some photos on how the workshop went: