Combining private initiative and public responsibility for sustainable sanitation and recycling stra

After graduating in my first Master in Civil Engineering (specialized in geotechnics), in Portugal, after 5 years of studying, I went to Germany and started my work life as an environmental engineer. There, in Frankfurt, I was employed by TBW GmbH.
The core of my work was to plan and to build anaerobic biogas plants in developing countries within a public and private investment framework. These were low budget solutions to improve both local energy independence and sanitation.

Inadequate or even lack of sanitation is a key social, health and environmental problem in the majority of countries. Public programs are insufficient and do not reach the majority of the population. Private initiative alone often only serves a few, who then mostly remain affected by those without suitable sanitation and do not get their co-operation. Lack of finance for investment and operation, lack of integration into dwelling and economic activity, resulting often in unsuitable technical and environmental approaches, and a lack of participation, can sometimes be overcome if public and private actors manage to co-operate and agree upon a suitable division of labour and framework of responsibilities, and thus turn sanitation into a joint development priority, which can then help as well to save and reuse valuable water, nutrient and energy resources.
There are uncountable hindrances of Public-Private Partnerships for truly cost-efficient sanitation. However there is little alternative. My work at TBW, and within a number of projects, made some substantial progress on that rocky road to combine private initiative and public responsibility and participation with more sustainable sanitation and recycling strategies.
Read the full paper here